DDoS protected hosting

Important: all the GShost.net’s servers are working only with Nginx webserver and PHP-based environment (5 or 7 version, can be chosen by client), which means a complete rejection of Apache2 and providing the most reliable and DDoS resistant hosting service. Instead of .htaccess files, we now use the command interface of the control panel. We also provide free help in creating Nginx configuration, basing on your existing htaccess directives. For more information about GShost.net web platform, please go to our FAQ page.
Protected hosting GSD-1

Protected hosting GSD-2
Protected hosting GSD-3
- DDoS attacks protection
(no limits) - 30 Gb of disk space
- Service for 10+ domains
- Up to 50 subdomains
- MySQL bases: 50
Up to 25k visitors per day
- Integration with ISPManager
- Nginx / PHP 5 or 7 / MySQL
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Free trial - 48h
- Only $55 per month!
Discounts up to 100%
Protected hosting GS-Pro
- Double DDoS protection
(2 dedicated gates) - 40 Gb of disk space
- Service for 15+ domains
- Up to 100 subdomains
- MySQL bases: 100
Up to 50k visitors per day
- Integration with ISPManager
- Nginx / PHP 5 or 7 / MySQL
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Free trial - 48h
- Only $95 per month!
Discounts up to 100%
Stability and reliability
GShost.net uses the most advanced networking equipment, which is located in the best European and Asian datacentres. All of our tariff plans, in addition to the low-level filtering, are supporting filtering of HTTP / HTTPS traffic. There is no limits for the bandwidth and attack size.