About DDoS attacks

We can help you!
GShost.net provides protection services against various types of DDoS attacks on different network levels. We provide full protection against following types of DDoS attacks: ICMP, IGMP Flood, TCP SYN/ACK Flood, UDP Flood, DNS Amplification Attack, HTTP/HTTPS GET/POST Flood, etc.
SYN flood is one of the most common DDoS attacks in which the target’s server is overloaded with a large number of SYN requests (requests to open a connection). This can exhaust the limit of open sockets, which results in crush of the server’s work.
HTTP/HTTPS-flood is the most popular and commonly used type of DDoS attack. In this case, the target’s server is attacked by a large amount of HTTP/HTTPS-requests and if this attack is distributed or the server’s software isn’t configured properly, this can result in its overload and then crush.
UDP flood is a distributed DoS attack, which is performed by massive sending of UDP packets that don’t require a previously established connection. This attack is aimed to exhaust the server’s channel bandwidth.
DNS Amplification Attack (DNS reflection) is performed by a massive sending of DNS queries using the spoofed IP address of the target to vulnerable DNS servers. The main goal of this attack is to direct all the responses to the target’s IP address. Since the answer to such query is bigger than the request itself, the attack becomes much more powerful, compared with the original DNS-queries stream. This attack is also aimed to exhaust the server’s channel bandwidth. Many other types of attacks are similar to this, for example – NTP Amplification DDoS Attack (NTP reflection) which involves your time server software using network time protocol requests. These types of attacks use vulnerabilities in various programs and protocols.
Analyzing the market of web services, you’ll easily find a significant imbalance in all existing solutions for DDoS protection. On the one hand, there is a plenty of powerful and incredibly expensive security web projects, but on the other hand, there are many small websites that are regularly being attacked and can’t afford such an expensive protection.
We provide affordable hosting service with protection against most common types of DDoS attacks, and in case of a massive DDoS attack, we are able to enhance the protection by adding even more system resources. We also provide remote protection service, which is very convenient if you don’t want to move your website, and the only thing you’ll need to do is to point your domain’s A-record to our server.
Protecting your ideas
As we are using reliable equipment and the most effective protection methods, which are based on our own experience, you can feel absolutely safe and forget about all the devious tricks of your competitors!
Let us lead you through a short example, to show you all the details of our service. Just imagine that somebody uses the very old and publicly available BlackEnergy malware and collects the botnet of 500 online bots. Then he leads this botnet towards your web project, which is located on the popular and quite expensive web hosting, called “X”. So, what will happen to your website in such a case? The work of your website will be stopped immediately, because of huge overload of the traffic limit. After that happens, your provider will inform you about inability to continue its services and you’ll have to choose the more expensive tariff plan or just leave the hosting. In this case, you can use one of our affordable tariff plans. For example, let’s take GSD-1 plan, which is the cheapest one, but still can provide the whole DDoS protection. By using our DDoS protection service, you won’t even notice, that your website is under attack.
All our tariff plans also include the highest protection level against even more powerful DDoS attacks, which are aimed to block your web channel or to exhaust the server’s resources (up to 500 Gbps).