Terms of service

We try our best to isolate our clients from any problems and concerns related to our services work. However, we ask our clients to comply with generally accepted set of moral norms and legal requirements.
Due to this, we establish following list of conditions and limitations:
1. Our clients are forbidden to perform the following operations:
- to post and/or distribute any information that violates the legislative requirements of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, France and Netherlands including materials that are in whole or in part protected by copyright (without the permission of the rights holder), fraud schemes, pornographic materials, provocative materials, which are able to case the international conflicts. It’s also forbidden to post advertisements of goods and services that are prohibited in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, France and Netherlands and any personal information about the individuals without their consent (phone numbers, names, addresses, etc.);
- to use torrents in any form, to scan any other network nodes for vulnerabilities and open ports without first obtaining the consent of the owners of that network node and/or to perform any activities, aimed at network nodes hacking;
- to post and/or distribute any software, which can cause damage to the hardware or software of third parties. It’s also forbidden to post any information about malicious software (full or partial source codes, download links);
- to use any software, containing errors and inaccuracies, which can cause incorrect functioning of the GShost.net hardware-software complex. It’s also forbidden to use any software, which can provoke excessively high load on the hosting provider’s servers. In case of excessive resources consumption, caused by your web projects, you will be asked to upgrade to a more expensive tariff plan;
- to use GShost.net hosting and servers for placing any doorway pages, cheating software or any IP-transit software (e.g. web-proxy placement);
- to send mass email without the consent of the recipients (spam);
- to use any spam services or distribute any advertising materials at the web resources where it is forbidden by the rules, referring to the websites, which are placed on the GShost.net hosting/servers.
1.1. GShost.net technical support staff monitors client content within the CDN service. This service involves providing the client with SSH-access to CDN gateways (servers). The client undertakes not to delete the pre-installed ssh-authorization key of GShost.net or provide access on demand in order to provide support staff with the ability to control the distributed content. If illegal content is detected (in accordance with these terms and conditions), a warning is issued to the client, the service can be blocked without refund of the current paid period. GShost.net guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data of each client, but reserves the right to monitor the compliance of clients with all of these rules. The minimum guaranteed level of bandwidth for each one CDN gate is 200 Mbps (more detailed information regarding bandwidth is provided within tariffs page).
2. Web traffic within the all web-hosting’s (GSD) tariff plans is not strictly limited. However, if your web resource operates with abnormally large volume of web traffic (e.g. file hosting service), we’ll have to impose traffic restrictions on your resource.
3. All our tariff plans provide fairly high load limits, allowing you to place even large websites within the minimum rates. However, if your website exceeds the load limits, degrading our servers’ performance, you will be asked to upgrade to a more expensive tariff plan. In case of a too powerful DDoS attack, which we are not able to reflect, we’ll have to refuse service to you, refunding you the money. The return policy is described below.
4. In case we are not able to repel the DDoS attack on the client’s web resource, we will refund the money. The calculation of the amount of money returned is based on the elapsed time from the date of payment.
5. Free GShost.net hosting. We are always happy to help new and interesting web projects by providing them with our free hosting. If you’ve got a great idea or you already have your own web project, but you’re not able to pay for an expensive web hosting service, just contact us! We thoroughly consider all the income appeals and make individual decisions about providing new clients with free web hosting and disk space needed. Contact us by ICQ: 367796. You’ll have to accurately describe your project or your idea and tell us why you are not able to pay for the hosting service by your own. We provide our free help to only the most interesting and extraordinary web projects.
6. By using the GShost.net services, you agree to make all the payments fully and timely. In case of delay in payment, you can be charged a penalty equal to 15% of your next unpaid bill. The termination of a particular service due to lack of funds on the client’s balance may become a reason to the revision of his current tariff plan. If there are significant discrepancies between the client’s latest statistics (attack frequency, traffic load, etc.) and the client’s current tariff terms, we can ask him to upgrade to a more expensive tariff plan.
7. It is forbidden to use the GShost.net services for resale purposes. The exceptions are special offers for resellers.
8. All the GSD/GSP tariff plans allow you to place several websites within a single account. However, these more loyal limits are provided solely for the ability to add your own client sites. If it is known for certain that several projects belong to different people/organizations, the client will be asked to pay a higher tariff plan or use two separate tariffs, because each client has the right to place within the limits only his projects (or those for which he is responsible on the basis of official relations with any company or individual).
9. We reserve the right to refuse our service to any client, by stating the appropriate reason and returning all the unspent funds.
10. Only 1 tariff plan change is allowed within 30 days. This applies to both the upgrade and downgrade of your plan. After the one monthly change is made, you are only allowed to upgrade to the more expensive plan.
11. GShost.net hosting provider ensures an adequate pricing, trying to maintain the most reasonable prices for its clients. However, all the plan’s prices can be adjusted in future (e.g. due to the fluctuations in exchange rates). In this case, all GShost.net clients will be notified at least one week prior to the changes to take effect. If the client does not agree with the changes, he can leave our service and request a refund of his unspent funds.